Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blueberry Crisp!

Why did my Tuesday rock?  Because I spent it helping some hungry fourth graders learn to make Blueberry Crisp!  We took a vote between making apple crisp or blueberry crisp, and blueberry won.  They were so excited to cook - especially given that only one out of the four of them has an oven at home.  The dad informed me that they use it a grand total of once a year!  Right...I'm gonna up that number.  Next week - chocolate chip cookies!  (I'm taking full advantage of their enthusiasm and my new-found access to an oven.)

They did a great job!  And it was fun because this was their first exposure to oatmeal.  I tried to explain how I eat it for breakfast, but I'm not sure they understood.  The mom was shocked at me using 1/3 cup of butter in the mixture.

I'm happy to say that it was a huge success!  About 15 people enjoyed some blueberry crisp and ice-cream by the time the night was through.  And most got seconds ;)


1 comment:

  1. I just finished watching modern marvels on the history channel... It was on candy!!! Made me think of Crisp!!! Of course I have only had apple... Not blueberry, so I may need try this!
