Thursday, October 18, 2012


Ok, I'm officially done being sad about ridiculous things.  Why?  Because my new school is amazing.  (Also, because it's ridiculous to be sad about silly things.)  But nonetheless, let's move on to my wonderful school. 

First of all, beach-themed chocolates were passed around the office for our culinary enjoyment.  What can beat that?! 

Also, the Japan cup can be salvaged.  I have a ridiculously creative and handy Canadian coworker who is going to lend me some superglue and save the day! 

And... my coteacher hopped right on the microwave dilemma.  At 10:30 this morning, I was walking back to my apartment to meet the microwave repair man - yay for warranties!  (And yay for sneaking out for a minute to get a change of scenery.)  When the repairman saw my microwave, he looked baffled.  Not because it's so absurd, but because it's an LG appliance, and he was a Samsung repairman.  Oops.  Guess we called the wrong company.  But that actually worked in my favor - because now I get to meet another repairman at my house at 4 this afternoon - and get out of work almost an hour early because of it.  Happy early weekend to me!

1 comment:

  1. Superglue!!!! Awesomeness! Gorilla glue makes me smile haha!
