Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cooking Class

Today was my lucky day!  One of the English classrooms was used for a Cub Scouts meeting.  And what did they do today?  The had a cooking class!  The students made a traditional Korean snack, translated in English to, "rice cake."  It's not what you think of when you hear "rice cake" back in the States.  At least, not for me.  Back home, rice cakes were cripsy, airy snacks that were usually flat, round, and sweetened.  I think Quaker was the brand I used to eat.  We'd either get apple cinnamon, or chocolate chip.  Mmmm!  Rice cakes in Korea are totally different, though.  They are small, round, doughy, sometimes different colors, and occasionally covered with powder. 

No matter what color you choose, however, they all taste the same.  Exactly the same.  And quite honestly, they're kind of tasteless.  On that note, maybe it wasn't my lucky day.  This table of girls was really excited to share their treats with me.  When one offered me a rice cake, they all followed suit and watched for my delighted reaction to each individual taste-test.  I gave a good reaction, and ended up eating way more rice cakes than I will ever feel the need to again.

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