Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Last Day at Wonil Elementary School

Today marks one year working as a "Native English Teacher" at Wonil Elementary school.  If you have talked to me at all during this time, you know that it hasn't all been sunshine and roses.  My first morning was more indicative of the year to follow than I realized.  Just one year ago, I was waiting outside for my coteacher to pick me up.  She had told me that she would pick me up and bring me to school on my first day, so I was just to wait outside my apartment building.  Well, that didn't happen.  I didn't find out until later that she was running late (as she is about 110% of the time... yeah), and called my recruiter.  He then sent me an email to just walk to school.  I, however, was without a phone, internet, pretty much any means of communication for the first week or two of working here, however.  Thus, I waited and waited outside.  Things started to feel wrong as the clock continued ticking, so I decided to risk getting lost and try to find my school on my own.  My recruiter had taken me there once before.  Once.  Anyway, I found my school and was rushed in to do the morning broadcasting- still wearing my jacket - to announce my arrival.  Once the cameras were off, my principal scolded me, saying that I should try to get to school earlier.  Well, right.  Of course my coteacher didn't tell him that I was late because she didn't pick me up. 

That is how our relationship started.  And despite trying to please her, and trying to keep the waters calm, and trying to understand her, our relationship is about 100 times worse today. 

I am not the type of person who hates on their superiors, but man.  She is my least favorite person in this country.  High on the list for least favorite in the world. 

Regardless, the students and friends that I did make, both in and outside of school, made this year wonderful.  My list of grievances could go on and on about my coteacher, but I would like to remember this year on a more happy note.  So, here are some pictures of my adorable students, and two little cards my most loyal second graders made for me. 
A message from one of the administrators:
hi jennifer ~
you leave so sad. ㅠ.ㅠ (crying eyes)
health and flourish

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