Saturday, October 6, 2012

Shopping in Myeongdong

Since we couldn't get inside the War Museum, we decided to spend the rest of the afternoon shopping.  Soo and Sheryl decided that I needed some "back to school"/"new school" clothes, which I happily went along with!  Usually, it takes me forever, I try on way to many things, and I come out nearly empty-handed and rather frustrated.   Not the case today.  We were all happy shoppers, and I made out like a bandit!  Yay for sales, adorable clothes, and power shopping!

On our way to Forever 21 (four stories tall here!!!), we came across a rather lively parade, and saw this picturesque alleyway. 

Grandfather Statues

Multicultural Parade

1 comment:

  1. Nooooooo! You couldn't get into the war museum?!? Bummer :(
