Thursday, October 4, 2012

Korean War Museum

On Tuesday, Soo, Jacob, and his parents and I visited Korea's National War Museum.  Unfortunately the interior of the museum was closed.  Who would have thought that the museum would be open on two holidays, but closed on the day in between?!  Either way, there were plenty of sights to see on the outer grounds that kept us busy for a while.  There was a lot of military vehicles from the US, along with many other countries.  The tanks and airplanes I am next to are from the Grand 'Ole U.S. of A.  The tanks were much smaller inside than I would have imagined!  I wonder if the modern ones that are used today are as cramped.

Here are some more shots of the military equipment.  There was A LOT there!

USA Air Boat
North Korea - Semi Submarine

The picture below is of a plaque honoring all of the fallen soldiers from various countries who were killed in action while defending South Korea.  The United States had over 33,00 casualties listed.  To put that in perspective, the total casualties listed numbered just over 37,000. 

This was plastered above the names of the fallen US soldiers:
"Our nation honors her sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met."  (Source: The Monument of the Korean War Veterans Memorial, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.)

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