Thursday, October 18, 2012

Broken Things

It's been a bit of a tumultuous week.  When I came home form work today, I found it quite fitting to discover the following:

This is...well, was... my favorite cup.  The one that I used every morning for tea or coffee.  Jaime and I got a set of two to split when we visited Osaka, Japan for Christmas.  I didn't have time to finish my tea this morning, so I put my cup in my kimchi fridge to keep it fresh while I was at work.  But lo and behold, the tea froze, expanded, and cracked my cup.  I guess it wasn't as necessary as I thought to have my school buy a mini-fridge with a freezer.  My little kimchi drawer apparently does get cold enough to do the trick.  :(

And this... this little gem of a microwave.  This was more comic relief than anything.  But I suppose it will need to be replaced.  For some mysterious reason, whenever I plug it in, it instantly turns on and starts revolving.  It's done that ever since I first tried it out.  The teachers at my school were a bit confused, given that they've used it for a few years and never had an issue.  But I just figured it got jostled around a little too much when it was being transported to my apartment.  As of this evening, however, it took its' strangeness up a notch.  When I tried to reheat my ramen (I know, not a nutritious or delicious sounding dinner, but as I said, it's been a tumultuous week, and I haven't even thought about going to a grocery store), things didn't quite work.  As soon as I plugged it in, it did it's usual revolving routine.  I turned the power off, hit the 1 minute button, and watched my ramen spin around.  After probably three minutes, it was still spinning.  The  display screen was blank, so I'm actually just guessing it had been three minutes.  Either way, when I took out my ramen, the bowl was still cold.  No matter what button I pushed, the noodles never warmed up.  Thus, I ran down to the convenient store, picked up a small carton of milk, and poured myself a bowl of cereal.  

I was originally supposed to eat dinner and spend this evening with my host family, but I had to cancel.  My landlord was scheduled to come by around 6pm to fix my shower and bathroom sink, so I had to stick around my apartment.  Given that it's now after 7, I'm assuming that he forgot.  

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