Monday, July 22, 2013

Out to Eat on a Gluten Restricted Diet

Going out to eat is hard.  It's getting easier to see foods that I love and not eat them, but it's still quite difficult to find items on the menu that are guaranteed free from contamination.  I went out to sushi with some girl friends of mine and felt it the next day.  I poked the imitation crab meat out of my roll, and opted out of the soy sauce, but somehow, somewhere, some hidden gluten found me.  (I suppose there is a chance it wasn't a reaction to gluten, but it seemed to cause a familiar stomach ache the entire next day.)

We had more luck at an Indian restaurant , though, where I met Jeff and some of his friends!  We enjoyed some yummy tandoori chicken.  (Poor Jeff waited an extra thirty minutes for me, as we had misjudged the meeting time and travel times.  He hadn't even taken a nibble, though!  I was super impressed and touched by his restraint.)  I made a mistake in eating the salad, which was lightly covered in dressing, but otherwise I think it was a safe meal.  (Dressings and such often include wheat flour as a thickening agent and thus are not gluten-free.)

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