Monday, July 22, 2013

Jeff's Gluten-Free Treat!

When Jeff came home from the grocery store one day, I was super surprised to hear him say he picked me up a little treat.  A treat?!  What in the world fit into my diet that I hadn't yet made?  As it turns out - the local grocery store carried a brand of hard cider that is gluten free!  There are no gluten free beers here, so I thought I was stuck to wine when I wanted an adult beverage.  (Unless I was out and got a mixed drink of some sort.)  Not that I drink that much beer nowadays, but it was fun little tradition of ours to each grab a beer and take it to a nearby park to sip on. (Public drinking is legal in Korea.)  I was sad to see that tradition of ours go to the wayside, and felt bad that Jeff felt too guilty to have a beer in front of me when I did without.  The new-found hard cider was a perfect remedy to the situation, as I could grab one of those when he sipped a beer.  Yay for options!

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