Monday, July 22, 2013

Gluten-Free Breakfasts

Online gluten-free shopping wins again! This time, in the breakfast department. Here is a batch of gluten- free pancakes that turned out PERFECT every time. The key ingredients Bob's Red Mill (a dedicated gluten-free company) included in this mix is almond flour.  It creates a heartier, nuttier flavored pancake that I love.  

They are filling, easy, and versitile.  Another great comfort food.  And travel food, for that matter.  I make up a few too many each batch, and store the leftovers in the freezer.  They make for a good go-to bite during a long train trip.  I must admit, they're best with honey or fruit on top, but eating them cold and plain (when you're on a long train trip, for instance) brings out more of a corn-bread taste and texture.  Doesn't exactly induce jealousy from your friends when they eye you eating it this way, but it does the trick.

Although my egg and peanut butter combination looks a bit less appetizing, it is actually quite tasty and fills me up with no need for emergency blood sugar foods for an entire morning of teaching.  Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, eggs over easy... top 'em with peanut butter, and you have happy taste buds, and a lasting fullness.  Given that I have an extremely healthy diet otherwise, I'm not too worried about the fat in the peanut butter.  (All natural, too, so no scary partially hydrogenated oils!)  I've heard conflicting stories on the amount of eggs you can consume before risking an increase in cholesterol.  I'm considering a cholesterol check in the near future, with a follow-up one in a few months to see if my two-eggs-a-day farmer's (aka teacher's) breakfasts are having any ill effects.

Last but not least, my unsweetened yogurt with cinnamon and bananas would be healthy and delicious in anybody's book.  I look forward to them each morning!  (And sometimes at dessert time if the need arises, too.)

I have yet to try the gluten-free oatmeal I picked up from Bob's Red Mill, as I am afraid of tummy problems.  I have a package waiting in my pantry, but as some Celiacs have problems with oats even when safe-guarded against cross-contamination, I'm a little hesitant.  For the time being, I have plenty of other yummy, filling options and am enjoying a more stable tummy.  No need to risk diversity in breakfast foods just yet!

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