Monday, July 22, 2013

Gluten Free Desserts

A Note About

It is a brilliant website!  I was first introduced to it by a Korean friend who mentioned it as a resource for finding vitamins (such as Iron and B12) online. This has proven especially helpful as the Korean pharmacies aren't supplied with B12 vitamins.  

My delight with the company that ships to both Korea and America improved about 1,000-fold when I found a grocery section fully dedicated to gluten-free foods!  While it is still important to check the background of each company that claims "gluten free", this has proven to be a huge resource for me.  (It is important to check each company's dedication to gluten-free since seemingly harmless things like growing gluten-free grains in fields previously used to harvest wheat can cross-contaminate the goods and cause gluten-sensitive individuals to suffer.  This is not to mention cross-contamination at factories and all of the various standards required to label foods as "gluten free".)

Nonetheless, provided me with my first taste of chocolate and comfort I experienced during the last month. Larabars.  Amazing.  Seriously.  They are made with fair trade organic chocolate, figs, peanuts, and sea salt.  And processed in a totally gluten-free plant.  I would eat these even if I didn't need to keep gluten out of my diet.  (In the past week, I discovered that Dove chocolate is also safe for Celiacs, as well as certain types of Hershey's chocolate!)

An added bonus to reducing processed treats, is that it heightened my sensitivity to sweet treats I had previously overlooked.  

New-found / Re-found loves: 

* Yogurt with cinnamon and fruit. (Blueberries and strawberries are pictured.)

* Dried Mango slices!  Yum!!  (Not pictured.)

* Apples, brown sugar, cinnamon, and pecans all heated and softened on the stove top.   Warm and delicious - the perfect comfort food.  I made and brought these to a dinner Jeff and I were invited to with my recruiter, his wife, and another friend of ours, Soo. 

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