Monday, July 22, 2013

Gluten-Free Lunches and Dinners: Chicken

As I've mentioned before, I am sick of chicken.  Yet, nonetheless, a bag of frozen, boneless, skinless chicken breasts seems to be a wise backup plan for nights when a trip to the grocery store doesn't fit on the schedule, and I've otherwise run out of meat.

Before I realize the ill-effects the Russian cheese had on my tummy, I treated myself to a mixture of rosemary and lemon juice flavored chicken, tomatoes, salad greens, and melted cheese. It was yummy and filling, but left my tummy a bit finicky for the entire next day.

To cook up the rest of the chicken, I went a safer route and substituted the cheese for some brown rice.  I also added some onions and garlic to the mix.

One would think I'm becoming sick of brown rice by now, but I'm not.  I suppose it's similar to eating bread on a sandwich every day.  You grow to appreciate it but aren't overwhelmed by it.

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