Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Positive Perspectives and Sixth Graders

Bump #3)
It is slightly mind-blowing when your co-teacher is scared of the sixth graders.

My first experience with one of my sixth grade classes was trying (unsuccessfully) to confiscate a fully-loaded water gun that was being squirted during class.  It is unusual for a student to hold their ground as well as this particular sixth grade girl did.  My co-teacher intercepted my efforts by whispering into my ear about how this girl has a history of beating up other students, and of pulling her teacher's hair.  

Now, I'm not one to give in to students, but given the size of this girl, and my lack of fighting abilities, I decided to heed the advice of my co-teacher and back down.  I've since learned a more effective, gentle way of dealing with misbehavior from some of our more troubled students.

Even with my adjusted approach, sixth grade can be a tough, tough crowd.  

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