Monday, May 27, 2013

Mt Achasan in the Spring Time

Makgeoli Scooter (Located just off the
winding drive that intersected our 
hiking trail, we found this scooter
with a crate full of rice wine for sale.)

Jeff and I visited a spot we haven't been to since last fall.  Instead of enduring a 2+ hour subway ride (round trip) to Mt. Bukansan, we decided to stay a little closer to home and give Mt. Achasan another try.  We had clambered up this mountain with a small group of friends when we first met, and hadn't been back since.  Since we were by ourselves this time, we toured around a bit more, and went a bit further along the trail.  It was a tough decision to head back down to town, given how GORGEOUS the scenery was.  Much better than our previous visit.  Everything was green, and all of the flowers in full bloom!  Annnnd, a major bonus - the mosquitoes weren't yet out to bite!

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