Monday, May 20, 2013

A School Outing

It is common in the public schools here to have teacher dinners, outings, and weekend trips.  For this semester, our school decided to take a hiking trip together.

We left school at 3pm and drove over to a popular park in town that has a man-made waterfall, lots of flowers, and a mountain/hill with trails running throughout it.  I was incredibly impressed that our elderly principal led the way on the hike.  While the last bit of the hike was more of a walk, the beginning was quite steep, and I was definitely breathing hard.  I am amazed again and again at how active the older generation is here.

When we reached the top, we gazed out at the city of Ansan, and noted some local landmarks in the distance including a stadium, the tallest apartment building in Ansan, and Lotte Mart (aka Walmart).

Wait... Lotte Mart?  Am I on the same mountain as the one I've walked many times with my host family?  Is it possible that I'm just on a different part of the trail?  I started asking these questions to my co-teacher, and sure enough, as we walked a little further, we intersected the trail I knew!

What a small world!  It's a wonderful feeling when I recognize things over here.  It starts to seem less crazy and hectic, and more like a home that I know and understand.

I explained to my co-teacher that this was, in fact, the mountain I had climbed before, and that my host family lives nearby.

Then, speak of the devil, my host mom called me!
"Teacher... "Teacher... Mountain."
Wait, what?!

I turn around, and sure enough, my host mom is walking right behind me!!!  Once again, what a small world!

We stopped to chat via my co-teacher for a minute or two, and then went on our ways again.  How I would have loved to chat more, but I guess after a year and a half of not communicating, that's what we're used to.  I could hardly think of anything to say!

It was exciting, unexpected, and a little sad to see that we didn't have much to say.  Nonetheless, we made plans to have dinner on Thursday night. We will sit and eat in contented silence, as usual.  Without needing tons of words.  Just happy to be together.

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