Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Positive Perspectives and Laundry Gadgets

Bump #4)
It is energy-zapping when your washing machine flashes an error message and stops spinning while your clothes are sitting in it, soaking wet.  Yes.  My washing machine broke.  It took a week for it to be partially fixed, but the drier function will forever be out of commission.  Apparently my machine is too old, and they don't make the part needed to repair it anymore.  I'm back to hanging (and consequently stretching out) my clothes to dry now.  Not too excited about that.

Oh yeah, let's not forget to mention that I found a lone screw on my floor after the repairman left.  I didn't think too much about it until the next time I used my washing machine and it about jumped and wiggled its way to the middle of my kitchen floor.  

Bump #5)
Wearing wrinkly skirts feels frumpy and unprofessional.  But there's not much I could do about it, given that my iron broke.  It has since been replaced by some extremely futuristic model that I had to ask my co-teacher to read the manual for.  The device is not self-explanatory.  And the pictures on the box are of little help.  Hopefully it all gets figured out by the time summer hits!  

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