Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ski Resort Day 2: The Hike Up

On day two of our ski resort stay, we were feeling a bit tired, so we opted out of renting another set of skis and lift tickets.  Instead, the plan was to go on a little walk before reading and relaxing with a cup of coffee and hopping on the bus back home.  The weather was up in the high thirties / low forties again, so we just couldn't turn down the opportunity to be outside.  Even just a quick walk around the parking lot would do...

But of course, a quick walk around the parking lot led to us finding a little winding drive going up the mountain.  On the way up this winding drive we saw a deer!  A real, live deer!  Wildlife in Korea that isn't a mosquito or a magpie!  Jackpot.  :)  We saw the deer, and then later some little deer footprints. 

Continuing up this small drive led to a small enclosure of farm animals.  Two small enclosures, actually.  Not really sure what they were doing there, but we stopped for a little bit and listened to their squawks.  Tried to squawk back, and aimed to get the perfect picture.  Geese (I think), bunnies, roosters, and chickens were all happily coexisting.

As we wandered around the end of the drive, looking at the animals and out at the mountain scene, we noticed a small foot path through the snow.  Why not continue on, eh? 

And so we did!  Despite our less-than-ideal choice of mountain hiking foot gear, we decided to trek around in the snow.  It was gorgeous! We even managed to break a sweat.  Below are a few pictures of the field at the base of it all with beautiful tall... um... grasses?  What are those things called?  Reeds?

The bottom right picture shows a rather unimpressive view of the skiing area.  We're already a ways up our little hike, so the slopes in the distance look less impressive than they actually were. 

As we continued up, the hike got progressively more treacherous for my non-treaded Ugg boots.  No worries, though, right?!  We had all morning...

Thank goodness Jeff has the common sense to know to give yourself a fair amount of time to get back down.  As my next post will show, it was a rather tricky feat to get back down the mountain and onto the bus on time!

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