Monday, March 25, 2013

My Old/New Apartment

The count down is speeeeding by as I approach my start date at my new school - in precisely two days!  I finish working at my current school on Wednesday, and start my new one on Thursday, so it's crunch time in terms of moving and preparing for the transition.

Jeff and I had an awesome hike all day Saturday (some pictures will be posted shortly!) and then on Sunday I had Seoul-based ladies outing that took up a good part of the day.  Hence, I have accomplished next to nothing in terms of moving. 

Jeff took pity on me and decided to help me move in a bit while I was out in Seoul on Sunday.  He took a taxi over to my new place to check it out and drop off a few things.  As I was waiting for my lunch order to come in and chit chatting with some girl friends, I got a rather perplexing call from him:

"So... I took a taxi over. Got here just fine.  
But I think there's something you should be aware of." 
[Insert long, concerning pause.]  


"Your washing machine is running."

"Wait, what?!"

"Yeah... I just turned it off."

Now, this is concerning, a bit flabbergasting, actually, given that the previous tenant moved out a day and a half ago.  The two conclusions we came to were either 1) someone is using this room as their own temporary laundry hut, or 2) the cleaning lady is washing the rags.

I'm definitely leaning towards, and hoping for, number 2.  

I had him leave my bags tucked away in the closet upstairs, and am hoping for the best between now and the time I move in.  Regardless, I will be changing the code to my door before I lay my head down to rest that first night. 

Oh, and one last thing:
This post is called "My Old/New Apartment" because I will actually be moving back into my first apartment building - just a different room.  I feel a tad like I'm moving back in time!

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