Thursday, March 21, 2013

How Sweet it is to be Loved by Your Students!

The scene that unfolded right before lunch today:

At the beginning of fourth hour, my co-teacher and I informed one of my third grade classes that today was our last class together.  (My last day at this school will be next Wednesday - wow how time flies!)  Their response was adorable sadness and lots of questions I couldn't understand.  Some of the boys continued to ask questions about why I was leaving, with saddened eyes, as we proceeded through the lesson.  I was a bit shocked at this, as I usually get subtle indifference from the third grade boys, and all the love from the girls.  It definitely made my day!

But what was most memorable is what went down after the bell rang.  The girls (and even a few boys) swarmed me in a big group hug - you know, the kind where you totally lose your balance and are at the mercy of their whims until they decide to release their grip.  Super adorable!  I wriggled free of most of the little arms that had encircled me and tried to make a run for the door.  Once in the hallway, I was stopped dead in my tracks again.  Not something I can really complain about.  They followed me in a mobile group hug halfway down the hall, until I convinced them to skip alongside me so I wasn't quite so suffocated.  So, there it was, a group of 7 or 8 third grade girls and I literally skipped down the hallway, hand-in-hand, or hand tugging on my fleece.  Definitely my favorite way to walk down a school hallway.  :)

These girls treat me well on normal days, but the extra warmth today is a shining example of one of the biggest reasons I love my job.  

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