Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Foreigner's Market

This past weekend I made a trip to the foreigner's market in Itaewon (the foreigner-dominated neighborhood of Seoul).  I was waiting on the corner for a friend to get some cash from an ATM, when a white guy approached me with the line, "I know you from somewhere..."  I instantly figured it was just some guy trying to start up conversation and was not in the mood. 

Me: No, I don't think so.
Him:  No, wait.  I do know you.  Americorps.  
Me: What?! 

At that, he took off his sunglasses, and sure enough, I totally knew him!  I had met him during my ten months in Americorps, and now here we are bumping into each other on one of the streets of Seoul, South Korea.  He was one of the team leaders out in California.  I didn't know him well, but the few times we did talk, I got a good impression of him.  I remember he had wanted to pick up and move to teach English in Vietnam after our 10 months of national service was up, but Korea is where he landed instead.  Turns out he's been working at a private academy not far from Seoul for the last two months.  We exchanged phone numbers and hopefully will find time to meet up.

I love when "small world" things like that happen!  Totally made my weekend.  :)

Well... that was one of the things that made my weekend.  Seeing pig nose for sale as street food also made my weekend.  And no, I did not eat it. 
 Also, finding Velveeta Shells & Cheese at the foreigner's market made my weekend.  I had literally just been thinking that morning that I was in the mood for them!
 They made for a delicious, but salty dinner.  I forgot how salty processed foods can be!
Finally finding all of the ingredients to make Puppy Chow was the cherry on top for a great weekend!  I made this batch as a good-bye treat for my 5th & 6th grade after school students.  I hope they like it! 

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