Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Parking in Korea

I went out to a lovely dinner tonight with a few of my coworkers.  It was a ton of a fun, excellent food, and a really positive environment.  People and times like that make me love being in Korea.  :)  I'll post more about the dinner when Gina (one of the teachers) sends me some of the pictures she took.  For now, though, I have a quick cultural tidbit about how our night wrapped up.

After dinner was finished, and we made our way down to the basement parking, we were confronted with a very Korean problem.  Well, I guess I don't know if this is common anywhere else in the world, but it seems to happen quite often here.  As you can hopefully see in my not-so-clear video, there was a car completely blocking us in.  While this would induce a great amount of frustration in America, it's just not that big of a deal here.  Why?  Well, one of two things always saves the day.  Either 1) they leave the car in neutral, so the trapped party can simply push it out of the way, or 2) they leave their phone number on the dashboard so that you can call and ask them to move their car.  In our case, the driver left his phone number.  However, in our case, he also forgot his phone in the car.  As our luck would have it, though, just as Gina started to call him - before his phone even had a chance to ring - he walked through the door!  Just a minute earlier he had realized that he forgot his phone and was coming down to get it.  Such perfect timing!

1 comment:

  1. haha!! I guess things are a smidget different in Korea eh?!? :)
