Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It's been raining here all day, which reminded me of another story from maybe a month or so ago.  This is how the story originally went when I sent the email to my family.  It's a good one!  :)

"I walk out of school today and it's raining.  Not a hard rain.  But it's definitely raining.  I, of course, am unprepared, so I just stand under the front awning looking at the rain for a minute.  Then I decide that I might as well roll up my pants and get it over with. 

Then I see one of my students.  This particular young man, who I call Tony (I've given each student an English name because I can't pronounce, let alone remember all of their actual names), is one of my multicultural students (from China maybe?).  Earlier in the day, I had made him stand up for the entire class period because he couldn't stay awake or participate.  When he saw me standing there contemplating the rainy walk home, he looked at me and said, "Teacher.  Umbrella?"  I said, "아니요, 없어요." (Aniyo, eobseoyo. = No, I don't have one.)

At this moment, I was shocked and completely heart-warmed.  He walked over to me and offered me his umbrella.  I declined his sweet offer, but he persisted.  He handed me his umbrella and smiled.  I took it for half a second, before coming to my senses and realizing that his mom would be unhappy if he were to come home soaking wet because he gave away his umbrella.  I felt too guilty to take it.  So I gave it back.  He responded by opening it for me, handing it back wth a smile, and then riding away on his bicycle."

I bought him an Iron Man - themed Snickers bar that night, to give to him the next day when I returned his umbrella.  His kind, unexpected gesture made my entire day.  :)

Thankfully, I brought my own umbrella today.

1 comment:

  1. Awe that is such a great way to end a dreary day!! This makes me smile too!
