Monday, October 25, 2010

Team Related Activities

Team Bonding:
My roomie Sarah and I getting ready to hit the town!
The high ropes course at Camp Mendocino was just the beginning of group bonding.  We decided to step it up a notch and have our entire team (plus some extra friends) have a night out on the town together.  This past Saturday night the 10 of us convinced our team leader to drop us off down town at an 18+ dance club.  Things didn't exactly go as planned.  For one thing, it was gothic night.  This meant some very creative outfits, and interesting music that doesn't qualify as what I typically bump and grind to.  We made the best of it though, and all cut loose!  Also, I was offered a hit of LSD for as little as $7.50!  No Mom and Dad, I didn't accept.  :)  We taxied back at the end of the night, after spending way more money than I should have.  Downtown Sacramento is far more expensive then the dive bar right outside campus!  I woke up 11am on Sunday morning to my alarm going off, which I was laying on top of, and still wearing my friend's dress.  Totally worth it!

Team Roles:
We were recently (last night) assigned our official team roles.  Most people have two roles, but the position I tried for is such a task, that it's the only one I have!  I am the Service Learning Initiator, and I'm pumped!  Here's the official description:

"Americorps NCCC incorporates a Service Learning methodology to assist members in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to perform community service projects and to gain an in-depth understanding of the value and impact of their service.  The goal of Service Learning is to facilitate the team's understanding of personal, social and community implications of the service in which they are engaged." 

Of course, I picked a education-related role.  :)  For each project I will develop some sort of service learning project.  From what I gather, my main purpose is to help people reflect and get more out of their experience than just the physical work.  I'll share more after my training on Thursday.

And let's not forget the fact that little Jenny will be trained in using a chainsaw next week!  Yep.  Lindasy (one of my teammates), my leader, and myself are going to receive training and certification in the use of chainsaws...and then show the rest of our team how to use them.  Haha!  I just hope I can pick one up.  My leader is as nervous as the two of us, but she said that supposedly anybody can do it, and apparently the training will be intensive.  Yikes!


  1. A chainsaw certificate? Didn't know there was such a thing.

  2. Haha, right? I think that to use the government-issued ones, they want to make sure you know what you're doing.
