Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Open Mic Night

Two minutes of pushups, two minutes of sit ups, a mile and a half run, and a flexibility test.  That's what our 5:30am baseline physical assessment consisted of first thing Monday morning!  They have us do this so we can track our improvement, and so they can place us in appropriately paced running groups.  I was more flexible than I expected to be, and it turns out I tested WAY above anything posted on the chart for female upper body strength...hard to fathom looking at myself in a mirror! 

My body held up quite well...until Tuesday morning when I tried to get out of bed.  The sitting up motion was a little tricky.  Thankfully I had packed my lunch/breakfast the night before, and didn't even have to get out of bed to reach it and start my day off with nutella-covered rice cakes and a banana! 

The rest of the day was painful in a different sense.  Meeting after meeting after meeting.  Not interactive meetings either.  The only thing I felt productive about was exchanging some of my uniform attire for different sizes, and picking up my offical steel-toed boots.  Very hot, and not in a sexy way.  A picture will probably show up eventually of how good I look in those! 

To top it all off, my pod had "duty" that night, which basically means we clean the dorm common areas from 8-10pm.  Finding a box of lice killer was not exciting.  Or hearing about one of the mattresses having bed bugs.  They're literally brand new, lavender sented mattresses...What the heck! 

Top: seranading my girls outside our dorm
Bottom: Open Mic Night

But this blog post is entitled "open mic night"...Turns out, my pod leader agreed to get us in and out of our duty early if I agreed to play for open mic night!  I was not overly convinced I was actually going to follow through with it, but I was going there to support one of my pod buddies, Coby, who would be using my guitar to perform a cover song and a song he had written.  I finally gave in, and was the third to last performer.  The whole show actually lasted for 2 hours, with the acts ranging from rapping, poetry (some heart-felt and moving, some goofy and fun), break dancing, comedy acts, and singing!  A lot more people showed up than I had anticipated, and they were all SUPER supportive and encouraging.  I decided to sing just one song, Cold Cold Heart by Norah Jones.  I performed that song, along with A Fine Frenzy's Almost Lover at an open mic night my junior year of college.  During that performance, I forgot the last verse to the Norah Jone's song, and had to have my roomie, Jaime, shout out the words.  I planned ahead this time, and jotted down the beginning line to each verse on a piece of paper that I brought up with me.  I didn't need it, but it was a nice safety net.  My current roomie, Katelyn, took a few pics and recorded it for me, so I'll try to post those later on. 

Today, I went through CPR/First Aid/AED training which was quite hands on, and was far more entertaining than yesterday's lectures.  Our speaker was the best we've had yet, and role playing with each other and the limb-less mannequines was quite comical at times. 

Our hectic kitchen space
The only downside to today was the lack of food available to make lunch with.  I decided to be creative and have my turkey, ranch, and pepperjack sandwich on a bagel since there was only white bread left.  Right...choosing a cinnamon raisin bagel was not wise.  Infact, it was quite yucky.  Thanfully I had popcorn and Reese's Pieces to fill me up.  A nice well-rounded lunch. 

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