Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Night Before Day 1

So, I've officially decided that I would not be the traveller that I am (or at least like to imagine myself as) without the modern communication systems.  I can't imagine flying two time zones away for nearly a year (save Christmas) without the conveniences of cell phones, email, and facebook!  I'd imagine that travelling is not what it used to be 50 years ago, but I am completely okay with that.  I love that I live in a day and time where I can have the best of both and adventure while still staying connected to my closest!

Earlier in the night, after my madre dropped me off at my hotel, a wave of emotion came over me.  At first I thought I was sad...nope.  Just the emotion that comes with change.  I'm actually quite excited and know this will be a great adventure!  Natalie, my sister, relayed a y-wam (Youth With A Mission) quote to me earlier that I will keep in mind for sure: Blessed are the flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape.  Yup. 

The drive to Milwuakee was flawless thanks to a Garmin GPS system that my aunt gave me for Christmas.  And Madre made it back quite safe, despite the voicemail she left me about being lost in East Milwaukee.  After she left I considered heading down to the Clairon's bar/lounge to be social but decided against it...This is quite possibly the last night I will have to myself for the next ten months, and I'm gonna take advantage of that!

I'm thinking I should head to bed now, given that I'm getting up at 4am...we'll see how well that works given the fact that I'm such a morning person. ;)  I made some peppermint tea (thanks Nat!) and have a good book to read (thanks Madre!) and maybe a phone call or two to make, and then I will be off! 

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