Monday, October 18, 2010

The San Fran Weekend

Friday Night Move:
After enjoying a brinner (pancakes, eggs, and bacon for dinner) with my kitchen-mates, all 300-some NCCC members had to move.  Yup.  All at the same time.  That wasn't chaotic at all...  I moved from the very end of the third floor to the first floor in the next building.  I'd just like to brag for a second and inform you all that it only took me two trips!  No help required...except for lifting my suitcase about shoulder-height down the hallway, which was necessary due to all of the other bags in the middle of the hall.  Roller wheels don't come in handy where there's hardly ground to walk on.  But I'd like to say that I carried it down all the stairs all by myself!  In all honesty, it wasn't as chaotic as I thought it would be.  I have two roommates now, Sarah and Lauren who are very sweet, laid back ladies.

Let me tell you how AWESOME it felt to sleep in and have the only scheduled activity for the day be dinner!  I woke up when my phone went off with a text message from Katelyn.  As a result of going to Harvey's on Friday night, I ended up sleeping in my clothes (which I continued to wear for most of Saturday) and sleeping on top of my phone.  I called her back and Katelyn, Kelsey and I headed to the cafe just off campus to get some yummy breakfast, and do some housekeeping...letters, emails, leisure reading, etc.  That within itself was phenomenal.  Down time.  I almost forgot what it felt like!  Afterwards, I sat in the grass under a tree with my ipod, guitar, and friendship bracelet stuff.  Once again, I can't stress how amazing this felt. 

Sidenote:  I was initially supposed to do van training on Saturday, but something didn't go through with my paperwork and I'm not allowed to drive the van until/unless I get it sent in correctly.  I did send my driving history in though, so I'm guessing the whole snowstorm accident had something to do with my disqualification.  I'm alright with that, as is the rest of the West Coast I'm guessing.

After settling in a little bit, my old crew of girls and I were trying to figure out what to do.  Amanda had duty and wasn't able to leave campus.  We seriously considered staying in and watching a movie so she wasn't left by herself, but our adventerous side got the best of us and we met some friends in Sacramento to go to a show.  I'm not sure I can adequately describe the type of show it was...besides AWESOME!  Five dollars well spent!  There was a hippie band that supposedly sang in Indonesian.  (We're not entirely convinced it wasn't all just jibberish.)  Needless to say, very cool sounding noises were coming out of the main singer's mouth, who at one point wore a crazy mask and hung from the ceiling!  Us girls were so pumped up after it all that we blasted music and danced the whole carride home.  :)  We didn't make it a late night though, since our Sunday was to be filled with...

San Francisco!
The drive, which began around 8:45am (our original intention was 7am...yeah right!), only took about an hour and a half.  The crew consisted of Michelle, Katelyn, Kelsey, Amanda, and myself.  Once the GPS, Jason, got us to the heart of San Francisco we realized we had no idea what we wanted to do.  But have no fear, Amanda's here!  She had a full list of activities and locations she wanted to visit, and so we googled addresses on our phones and relied on Jason to get us there.  I'll let the pictures tell the story with minimal commentary:

Welcome to San Fran!

Kelsey and I at an overlook after taking a wrong turn.

The windiest road I have ever seen!!!

This is Jason's view of the road we CAREFULLY navigated down! 

This is the road in real life!
People taking pictures of us as we neared the end of the windy road.

Native to Cali, In-N-Out has only fresh fries and burgers.
Nothing frozen = no stomach ache!

Some Random Sights
Alcartrez Island, the famous prison!

The rain got the best of us for a while...
The girls were not impressed with the rain...
giving up on walking for a bit and taking a bus to chinatown!

The atmosphere of the bus and personality
of the bus driver was not overly friendly.

Once again, we were not in the best of
spirits at this point of our adventure.

China Town!  We had some issues with which bus stop to get off at, haha. 

Forutne Cookie Factory!!!  Free samples!!!

Chocolate-covered fortune cookie...of course!

The fortune was stuck to the chocolate, and I ate half of it.

Pretty graffiti.

A typical Chinatown street.

Danny, D.J., Stephanie, Michelle, Rebecca, Uncle Joey, Uncle Jesse?
Michelle Tanner, are you around?

Yup, that's right...I'm standing right in front of the Full House house!

The Ride Home

Good Bye San Francisco!  Until we meet again...which hopefully we will. 
There are many more adventures to be had in this town on a day with better weather and more time!
As for the next four days, I will be out of touch with the world, at Camp Mendocino.  I have a story to tell about it already, but will wait to share until I get back...gotta build some supsense to keep you all reading!

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