Monday, August 5, 2013

A Fridge Well Stocked

It's a thing of beauty! Fresh lettuce, cheese from the foreign market, apples, cucumbers, carrots, onions, tomatoes, enough eggs to last, well... a week, rice, kimchi, dried mangoes, yogurt, fish, and ridiculously delicious left over home-cooked Mexican food.  We have a very happy fridge.  :) And to think I was afraid of going hungry and tasteless after switching to a gluten-free diet.  I'm soooo glad I was wrong!  (The Cafri in the bottom  right is Jeff's cooking beer - not gluten free!  I had a Strong Bow Hard Cider out for myself though - safe for celiacs and quite tasty!)  ...And let's not forget the freezer stocked with chicken, shrimp, broccoli, blueberries, kiwis, and leftover blueberry and flax seed pancakes.  

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