Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Octopus Ink Soup

Another memorable meal with the host family.  "Seafood Shabu Shabu" was the name of the dish.  Explanation: whole octopus, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, and rice cakes, boiled on a gas stove.  After a little bit, the broth turned black, a result of the octopus ink seeping into the water.  We were told this ink, as long as it is boiled and cooked properly, is quite good for your health.  What aspect of your health?  I couldn't quite figure out.  My host dad just kept pointing at his abdomen.

We ate the whole octopus, tentacles, head, (eggs in a few them), ink and all!  Honestly, I enjoyed it.  It's not necessarily a dish I would request often, but it certainly wasn't bad.  The octopus bodies/heads took a while to chew, but the taste was good.  Reminded me of beef jerky, actually.  Jeff went against his general rule of not eating the heads of anything, and gave the octopus head a try.  After chewing for quite a while, he vocalized his conclusion that he didn't feel the need to eat a second, haha.  

On the right:
Rex, with his dessert-inspired
chocolate truffle lipstick - which
had been mostly licked off at this point.
(I promise he enjoyed it more
than his expression portrays!)

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