Monday, April 29, 2013

Ansan Station

Jeff and I are starting to feel a little burned out of all the travelling in and out of Seoul, so we decided to stay put in Ansan this past Saturday night.  While Ansan might not be the most glamorous city, it's definitely not lacking in character.  We toured around near Ansan Station, which is possibly the most foreigner-dense neighborhood in Korea, as it is home to Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Filipino, Thai, Russian, Uzbek, and Malaysian factory workers, to name a few.  We stopped by a few foreign food markets (where we found Milo and Quaker oatmeal!), and enjoyed festivities in a little "town square" of sorts.  By daylight, there was live music and some sort of foot-badminton game being played by the young hipsters (no idea what the game is actually called).  By moonlight, the music switched to a sort of techno polka and the square filled with dozens of older couples showing off their ballroom dancing skills.  We also had some delicious Chinese street food that could have passed for either a pretzel or a doughnut depending on the topping, and had a cozy Indian dinner.  And, oooh, was it nice to have a five minute taxi ride home at the end of the night, instead of a one to two hour train trip!

Milo - the Pacific island energy drink
that Natalie came across in Fiji a few
years back.  Yum! 
Turtles in a tub.
(Stamina food, they said to us!)
Pig Heads for $10 a piece.  Enough said.
(To the right is duck ($9).  To the left is... I have no idea.)

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