Thursday, April 25, 2013

Friends are Leaving

One of the more difficult aspects of teaching abroad is the one year contract that all of your friends are under.  This means you have to say goodbye fairly frequently.  These three lovely ladies have been in Korea for three or more years, and all of them fulfilled their contracts within a month of each other.  What that means for me - three good buddies are all flying home.  This little crew came together about six months into my stay in Korea.  Odi and I shared a room while attending a three day teacher training seminar.  We became acquainted with Iftin and Liz after finding problems with both of our housing situations, as our rooms were littered with cigarette butts and missing beds.  There was instant bonding as we united to demand better accommodations.  I will miss our nights of Mexican food and margaritas, and our hilariously inappropriate conversations, Odi, Iftin, and Liz!

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