Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I decided to celebrate American Thanksgiving with my Day Care class.  We learned all about yummy turkey and pumpkin pie, being thankful, and my mom's birthday!

Yep, mom's birthday always falls right around Thanksgiving, so I figured that should be an important part of the curriculum, too!  ;)  My students were super pumped about it, and gladly all gathered together to sing a beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday that I was able to send to her via Kakao Talk.

Learning that American's eat Turkey for Thanksgiving was also pretty entertaining given that my school has a pet turkey.  I have no idea why we have a pet turkey.  But we do.  Strange.  Even stranger, while getting together with some fellow expats to celebrate the holiday later that evening, another foreign teacher informed me that he as turkeys, chicken, and four reindeer at his school.  Huh.  Makes for a fun Christmas!

At least they know what a turkey is though - because they certainly don't have much access to them here.  Grocery shopping for one was not fruitful... they are extremely hard to come across and priced through the roof since they are all imported from Australia.  Needless to say, I had chicken for dinner.

Nonetheless, I thought these two pics were too cute not to share.  We made hand turkeys, and I had them make a list of three things they were thankful for.  The little boy's third item made my day.

1. My Family
2. My Brother
3. Pie

1. My Friends
2. My Teacher
3. Mom

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