Monday, November 26, 2012


Six of us make up the English department at my new school.  Four Koren teachers, and two foreigners - a Canadian, named Zach, and myself.

Zach is incredibly into Halloween, and celebrates every year by designing his own costume (typically movie and/or superhero themed).  This year was Iron Man.  The students were soooo pumped! His costume was made mostly of pizza boxes, hot glue, and loads of spray paint.  He even rewired a flashlight that he jerry-rigged into his sleeve to bring it up a notch.

Each year he goes to pubs in town, and in Seoul, and enters into costume competitions.  Each year he wins.  This year, I believe the estimated cash grab was around $800. Yeah.

He also brought in some of his old helmets/masks so the students could try them on.  I give him credit for even letting them near the stuff - these kids are not gentle creatures!

To build suspense, I asked all of my third grade classes if they had scene Iron Man today.  That he was somewhere in the building, and if they were on the look-out, maybe they'd be lucky enough to meet him.  They were PUMPED. 

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