Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cooking Cookies

My faithful fourth graders and I gave cooking another go.  Gotta make the most of the fact that we still have access to an oven!  This time was chocolate chip cookies - and they turned out perfect!  The mix was actually a gift from my family in Tennessee (thanks so much!!).

The girls were a bit shocked at the muscle required to mix the ingredients together, and the mom was just as hesitant about using her mostly-neglected oven.  But when all was said and done, the cookies actually went over with the girls better than the blueberry crisp had.  I find that a little hard to believe, given how insanely delicious the crisp was, but whatever floats their boat.

The mom's comment to me at the end of the night while pointing to my measuring cup: 
"Your cup, magic cup. All cooking from cup is good taste!"

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