Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cooking Cookies

My faithful fourth graders and I gave cooking another go.  Gotta make the most of the fact that we still have access to an oven!  This time was chocolate chip cookies - and they turned out perfect!  The mix was actually a gift from my family in Tennessee (thanks so much!!).

The girls were a bit shocked at the muscle required to mix the ingredients together, and the mom was just as hesitant about using her mostly-neglected oven.  But when all was said and done, the cookies actually went over with the girls better than the blueberry crisp had.  I find that a little hard to believe, given how insanely delicious the crisp was, but whatever floats their boat.

The mom's comment to me at the end of the night while pointing to my measuring cup: 
"Your cup, magic cup. All cooking from cup is good taste!"

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fall Colors



Here is a quick snippet of the recent 
foliage change in Ansan.  It's sooo 
beautiful!  I snapped these pictures 
while walking home from the subway 
station.  And the building with the 
neat roof is one that I can see 
from my apartment window.

I wish fall could last 
all year long...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I decided to celebrate American Thanksgiving with my Day Care class.  We learned all about yummy turkey and pumpkin pie, being thankful, and my mom's birthday!

Yep, mom's birthday always falls right around Thanksgiving, so I figured that should be an important part of the curriculum, too!  ;)  My students were super pumped about it, and gladly all gathered together to sing a beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday that I was able to send to her via Kakao Talk.

Learning that American's eat Turkey for Thanksgiving was also pretty entertaining given that my school has a pet turkey.  I have no idea why we have a pet turkey.  But we do.  Strange.  Even stranger, while getting together with some fellow expats to celebrate the holiday later that evening, another foreign teacher informed me that he as turkeys, chicken, and four reindeer at his school.  Huh.  Makes for a fun Christmas!

At least they know what a turkey is though - because they certainly don't have much access to them here.  Grocery shopping for one was not fruitful... they are extremely hard to come across and priced through the roof since they are all imported from Australia.  Needless to say, I had chicken for dinner.

Nonetheless, I thought these two pics were too cute not to share.  We made hand turkeys, and I had them make a list of three things they were thankful for.  The little boy's third item made my day.

1. My Family
2. My Brother
3. Pie

1. My Friends
2. My Teacher
3. Mom

Monday, November 26, 2012


Six of us make up the English department at my new school.  Four Koren teachers, and two foreigners - a Canadian, named Zach, and myself.

Zach is incredibly into Halloween, and celebrates every year by designing his own costume (typically movie and/or superhero themed).  This year was Iron Man.  The students were soooo pumped! His costume was made mostly of pizza boxes, hot glue, and loads of spray paint.  He even rewired a flashlight that he jerry-rigged into his sleeve to bring it up a notch.

Each year he goes to pubs in town, and in Seoul, and enters into costume competitions.  Each year he wins.  This year, I believe the estimated cash grab was around $800. Yeah.

He also brought in some of his old helmets/masks so the students could try them on.  I give him credit for even letting them near the stuff - these kids are not gentle creatures!

To build suspense, I asked all of my third grade classes if they had scene Iron Man today.  That he was somewhere in the building, and if they were on the look-out, maybe they'd be lucky enough to meet him.  They were PUMPED. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Coffee Mug

Last Friday, I was being mobbed by a group of fifth grade girls who all wanted to touch my hair, when we heard a loud crash.  I was almost a bit thankful for it, because although it is sweet to have a group of people complimenting you and giving you attention, it's a bit overwhelming when they're all literally trying to touch you, haha. 

Either way, the small crowd broke from around me and we all went to go investigate the source of the crash.  As I walked to the front of the classroom, I saw my coffee cup shattered on the floor.  Thankfully, there was not much coffee left in it, and what there was, was cold.  But, nonetheless.  Man down. 

I had left my mug on a side table, forgetting that the students who are waiting for their next class often pile up their coats and backpacks there. 

Minor details, though.  A cup is a cup.  Both the third grade girls who had accidentally knocked it off the table, and my fifth grade admirers looked so concerned and asked if a few times if I was ok.  Such sweet girls.

I meant to get a replacement cup this weekend, but forgot about it.  Which was especially disappointing when it came time to pour my cup of freshly bought instant coffee this morning.  (Yum - seriously.  Instant coffee is delicious in this country!)

But never fear - two third grade girls showed up just after first hour with this sweet little note and replacement mug.

It's amazing how much a little thoughtfulness can perk up your morning.  Instant smile on my face and warmth in my heart.