Friday, December 30, 2011

The Issue of Nationality

A Quick, Entertaining Story
I've been asked three times in the last two weeks if I am a Russian woman by various cab drivers.  I found this intriguing. I mentioned it to a friend, and he informed me that most Russian women here are prostitutes. Um... Ok. So either they ask every foreign female they see, with hopes of getting lucky...or I need to change my style of clothing.  (It's winter, however, so I'm typically bundled up in a jacket and mittens.  I don't think it's my clothing.) 

That leads me to one other thing.  Many of my students here...and cab drivers...and random people I meet...are all very entertained by my mittens.  I'm not sure why.  I bought them here in Korea.  But they all ask me, via charades, if they are oven mitts.  Perfect.  I guess my sense of fashion isn't up to par here. 

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