Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011: Japan with Jaime (Day 2)

Day number two started around noon. 

Sleeping in on vacation was absolutely necessary.  We got a yummy brunch, and then hit up a beautiful Buddhist temple. 


Then we decided to go shopping. Jaime wanted to pick up a dress for New Years, and there was an awesome street full of stores and restaurants right along the water. We were on a mission to have a certain type of noodles and tempura for dinner, but we couldn't find a restaurant that served it for the life of us. We were just about to give up when a Japanese man tried to give me a flyer to somewhere. I usually take the fliers and just dump them off somewhere else, but Jaime laughed at me for taking them often enough that I finally decided to blow the guy off. But then low and behold, he said the word “tempura” and got our attention again. We followed him down an alley and found the exact type of restaurant we were looking for!

At the end of the night we were planning on doing some karaoke, but were too exhausted. We ended up just chilling with some of the other travelers at our hostel and exchanged stories. 

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