Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011: Japan with Jaime (Day 4)

We got up early my last day there, had breakfast, and went to an internet café to skype our parents. Once again, however, things did not go as planned. This specific internet café had glacial-paced internet, and skype was not downloaded onto the computers. This makes sense, though, given the fact that it lacked webcams as well. About fifteen minutes later, we gave up on that, grabbed an international calling card, and called home from a payphone. 

My trip back to the airport and ride home couldn’t have gone more smoothly, though. The guy next to me on the plane spoke perfect English and was super helpful. He helped me find a bus that would take me from the airport back to Ansan, and even waited outside with me to make sure I got on okay.

When I write it all down, it sounds a bit hectic and frustrating. When it was actually happening, however, it was just really comical. I’m super glad I spent Christmas with Jaime…and I think all the chaos kept us busy enough that we didn’t have time to get homesick. 

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