Sunday, January 27, 2013

Not Just Another Monday

I just experienced the most beautiful welcome back to work.  I had just one class today, my Day Care class, as the rest of my students are still off enjoying winter vacation.  This class is comprised of wriggly, squiggly, energized and eager little first and second graders.

I was barely through the door when I was monkey-piled on by a group of girls who avidly exclaimed, "very, very happy!"

They robustly sang their favorite English songs as we began class, and pointed out my family members as I showed them a slide show of pictures from home (Oh, how I miss home!  I missed it before I even left!).  They managed to talk their entire way through the game we played, and danced to their hearts content as the closing song (Rain, Rain Go Away) played on Youtube.

The real kicker, and something I don't quite understand, is that for a solid ten minutes after class ended, both boys and girls rushed my desk with scraps of paper, markers, crayons, and pens, and shouted, "teacher, sign!"  For whatever reason, they all decided they needed my autograph, along with various shapes (hearts, diamonds, whatever they requested) scrawled onto their papers.  I looked up at the Korean teacher and she looked just as surprised, confused, and full of warmth as I did.

Couldn't ask for a better first class back!

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