Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Christmas Subway Miracle

This story will feature Romero the Third, my new rosemary plant.
Also pictured, for your viewing pleasure, are some very pretty purple and white flowers. 

Meet Romero III
Meet the Roses

Now that you have become acquainted with the stars of the show, I will tell you my story.

The Christmas Subway Miracle.

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (aka Korea), a boy and a girl embarked on a much-traveled journey from Guri to Ansan.  It was Christmas night, and the weather was cold and dark.  Snow lined the streets, and fluttered through the sky.  (It actually did... just small flurries, but hey!) 

The boy and the girl were eager to get to Ansan where they could be warm and dry.  An unfortunate two hour journey stood between them and this contentment.  But, alas, a train was fast approaching!  As they walked up the steps they heard the pre-departure announcement.  If they could just run quickly enough, spring up the stairs in their agile youth, they could catch it before it sped off!  They were determined.  The boy led the way and put his arm through the doors in an effort to prevent their closing so the girl could catch up and hop in.  Little did they realize, however, how strong the door's closing mechanism was!  His half-surprised attempt to delay the train was no match for the machine's strong force.

In a flurry of excitement and confusion, the train closed up and sped off into the night.  The boy and girl stood there dumbfounded as they realized part of Romero the Third, their beloved rosemary plant, was no longer with them.  The boy thought he had saved part of it, but as they peered down into his hand, they saw only the plastic handles of the bag that had been holding Romero remained.  

The entire plant was gone.  Stuck in the door.  Wedged there for the ride.  

 As the train sped off, the girl managed to make eye contact with the surprised and confused Korean man standing on the other side of the door.  He somehow managed to look surprised, confused, entertained, and concerned all at once. 

As realization began to seep in, the boy and the girl donned sad puppy dog faces, melancholy over the loss of their beloved Romero.  In no time at all, however, their faces evolved into ones full of acceptance and laughter.  "That shall teach us," they said, "to slow down a bit more and enjoy the journey as much as the destination."  The boy added in, "I'm just glad it wasn't an arm or a foot."  He has rather interesting luck, you see, with participating in near-catastrophic... or in some cases, catastrophic... events.  He has experienced some rather close calls in terms of his safety and well-being.

They laughed it off, cradled the pretty purple and white flowers that escaped the event unscathed, and acknowledged their good luck as they waited for the next train.  When it arrived, their luck continued, as they even managed to find two empty seats, one right next to the other!  The train sped away, and then slowed to it's next stop, as it always does.  But there was a surprise in store!  A twist to the plot line!

Their contented jibber-jabber was interrupted by a young Korean man who swiftly appeared through the doors, walked straight towards the girl, placed Romero safely in her hands, and then vanished once more before any more than a 'thank you' could be uttered.  He was in and out so quickly that the girl just stared after him through the subway doors until they pressed closed.  She heard the boy mutter faintly in her ear, "That did not. Just. Happen."

But it did!

Romero suffered some near-fatal injuries (mainly frostbite on his tallest branches) as a result of speeding through the night, half inside a warm subway, half protruding out the merciless train doors.

The boy and girl decided Romero would benefit from a little extra TLC, so they took a taxi home from the train station, down quiet streets and past sleeping churches.

To this day (a whopping two weeks later), Romero lives on at the girl's house,  contributing to culinary dishes, and brightening her kitchen table.  He is still in the final stages of recovery, but if he makes it through her two week trip to America, without extra water and care, she is certain he can survive anything!

~ The End ~

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