Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Trainer Man

I was concerned about how the trainer man and I would recover our awkward misunderstanding, but it turns out, all was fine.  He handled it well and greeted me with a goofy smile and the normal questions about if I would actually commit to anaerobic exercise, or if I would just be there for a run.

Late last week, however, I think he finally gave up on me.  You see, the week before, I had been pretty busy so I mostly came in the mornings, to get my run in.  When I finally showed up during his evening shift on the following Monday, he greeted me with a, "Long time no see!"  I agreed and explained about the mornings.  He wasn't having it, though.  "I want to see you every day!"  Well, alright.  Good trainer that he is.  So I mapped out my plan to be there both the next day and the day after, when we could do a legit workout instead of just my run.

As life goes, however, things popped up, and I, once again, could only hit the gym in the mornings.  When I waltzed in on Thursday evening he shook his head as he said a sorrowful, "Nice to meet you."

He no longer offered to help me find CNN (fortunately for my equilibrium), and refrained from making his usual, "You superwoman!" comments as I ran.

It was a sad day.

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