Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Hike and a Bike Ride

In an attempt to catch up on the ridiculous amount of stories I didn't blog about my first year here, I would like to share a little tale of a heroic, noble adventure I went on all by my lonesome when I had a day off a few months back.

Well... maybe it wasn't that heroic or noble... maybe it was a bit humbling and ridiculous. But either way, here is my story.

So, I wanted to take advantage of having a day off of work, and decided to climb a small mountain near my apartment that always taunted me.  It looked so majestic and I couldn't justify why I hadn't climbed it yet, given the convenience of its location.  

Some would say it doesn't deserve the title of mountain... small hill might be more accurate, but to it's credit, there is a really cool looking oriental gazebo on top that I just had to check out. 

Once I made it up top, via a small trail and a lot of stairs, I found the cobwebby gazebo, where I ate lunch and enjoyed a look around.  While enjoying my view, I was struck with inspiration to find the waterfront within view when I got back to the bottom.  I could tell the general direction I need to go in, so when I got back down to my bike, I was on my way!

About twenty minutes into my ride, I got completely trapped in a massive, maze-like industrial complex.  It's safe to say that it shaved about three years off of my life from sheer inhalation of toxic chemicals and stress.

I've actually been told that about seven years ago, Ansan experienced pink snow due to the air pollution from a local hair dye plant.


As I said, this little adventure took place a few months back, so I can safely say that I haven't grown any extra limbs or gone blind as a result of the air pollution.  I cannot, however, say that I ever successfully made it to the waterfront.

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