Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Washing Machine

So, my parents are coming to visit in a week!!!!  Which means it's time to get all my ducks in a row.  I told them that they didn't need to pack 10 days worth of clothes because they could just use my washing machine.  Most Korean washing machines are both a washer and dryer in one.  This is awesome and super convenient, except for the fact that I have no idea how to work mine.  Figuring out what was detergent and what was softener was difficult enough.  Instead of trying to decode it, I have just been line drying my clothing for the past three months.  With two extra people staying here, however, it's going to be a bit more cramped.  It's time to finally leave the stone ages and figure this technology stuff out.

Along comes one of my Korean friends to the rescue!  She was kind enough to translate every function for me.  It goes as followed:

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