Monday, June 10, 2013


Jeff and I have been talking finances lately and have been learning quite a bit from family members, friends, and blogs (whoa, Mr. Money Mustache!).  As a result, we've gotten all excited about researching, exploring, and planning our best course of action for the remainder of our time in Korea.  (It's been quite the project, as you can see by my notebook full of ideas, options, and number crunching - along with my scrap papers on which I jotted down my monthly spending habits.)  I'm determined to make a dent in my student loans, yet!

We've all heard it a million times - "Every dollar counts!"  Hence, we started our collecting jars.  Jeff's jar is on the left: his leftover cash at the end of each week that he had budgeted but didn't spend.  Mine is on the right: all of my leftover change from convenience store purchases, etc.  

As you can see in the "Before" photo, my jar was teeming with coins!  Unfortunately, I can't take any credit, as the girl who lived in my apartment before me, for some heavenly, unknown reason, left a TON of change in a hat.  Before she moved, she mentioned leaving me a few household goodies instead of throwing them out.  I was in for a super pleasant surprise when I came across all of the change she had been collecting in a big , fat safari hat!  I deposited the chunk of change at the bank for a grand total of twenty-some dollars, and have started fresh.  As you can see by my "After" photo, rebuilding the stash has been slow going...


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