Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Birthday Cake!

Today is the day that I turned... 2?!  Odi, Iftin, and Liz treated me to a little birthday dalgalkbi (my favorite spicy chicken dish) and a birthday cake (ahem... and a Krispy Kreme donut)!  Oof!  Talk about a sugar rush and a full tummy.  I am happy to say that it was the nearly constant laughter that made my stomach hurt, though.  There's never a dull moment when the four of us are together. A good ab workout after consuming so much deliciousness!

Oh yeah... and the "5" candle got lost somewhere along the walk to the restaurant... To clear up any confusion, I am now officially a quarter of a century!  Yikes. 

And on a similar note, I have been fed even more sweets.  While typing up this blog post, my recruiter (amazing guy that he is) stopped by my school to drop off a little cheesecake goodness for me.  It would be helpful on days like today to have some self control in regards to my sweet tooth, haha.  So. Much. Sugar.  

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