Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Birthday Cake!

Today is the day that I turned... 2?!  Odi, Iftin, and Liz treated me to a little birthday dalgalkbi (my favorite spicy chicken dish) and a birthday cake (ahem... and a Krispy Kreme donut)!  Oof!  Talk about a sugar rush and a full tummy.  I am happy to say that it was the nearly constant laughter that made my stomach hurt, though.  There's never a dull moment when the four of us are together. A good ab workout after consuming so much deliciousness!

Oh yeah... and the "5" candle got lost somewhere along the walk to the restaurant... To clear up any confusion, I am now officially a quarter of a century!  Yikes. 

And on a similar note, I have been fed even more sweets.  While typing up this blog post, my recruiter (amazing guy that he is) stopped by my school to drop off a little cheesecake goodness for me.  It would be helpful on days like today to have some self control in regards to my sweet tooth, haha.  So. Much. Sugar.  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gifts from the Girls

My Tuesday night girls certainly warmed my heart... and proved that they know me well.  All four girls... or possibly more accurately, all four moms, pulled through with little birthday gifts wrapped and  ready to go.  

First of all, they clearly understand that I have a large-scale appreciate for peanut butter.  more specifically, the unbeatable combination of chocolate and peanut butter together.  Seriously, what could be better?!  Sure, there's chips and salsa, beans and rice, peanut butter and jelly... but no, peanut butter and chocolate wins the gold in my book.  Unfortunately (and this is a legit source of sadness for me), Korea has yet to supply their population with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.  This is a problem for me.  My Tuesday night crew saved the day, however, by not only providing me with delicious chocolates, but wrapping up a jar of happiness as well!  Just in case you are unaware, peanut butter is actually quite pricey here, so this is truly a treat!
And what teacher's birthday would be complete 
without a few extra school supplies?!

Last but not least, one of the moms gave me a very culturally appropriate gift of face cream.  Korean women (and men) use about a zillion different face creams a day.  Between their creams, mists, toners, emulsions, essences, lotions, and makeup, their skin is impeccable and forever young looking.  That is until they hit "ajuma" status (grandmother age) where they look to be about 102.  I don't know what happens, but it hits.  Until that point, however, it's hard to tell if their in their teens, twenties, thirties, and even sometimes forties or fifties.  I don't know if I will use the collagen essence that I was given, but at least I'm able to read part of the packaging this time around!  That's a step in the right direction in terms of me dabbling with  Korean beauty products.