Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Becoming One With Nature

So, things are getting a little crazy in SoCal...

The Rules of the Game:
no smoking
no alcohol
no coffee
no meat
no dairy
no saturated fat
no unnatural sugar
no deoderant
no shampoo
no conditioner
(of course no makeup, no perfume, ...nothing.)

Yes, two of my teammates and I have decided to do a detox.  A 3 week long detox.  More or less, we've gone vegan on steroids.  Unfortunately, we decided to do this the day after we went grocery shopping.  Thus, there isn't much to eat. 

There is a signed agreement on our cabin wall.  You see, this is no ordinary detox.  This is a bet.  If anybody cheats, we will end up doing the other people's chores (cooking and cleaning) for the last two weeks of this project.  If all of us bail out, we will be doing the cooking and cleaning for the only guy on our team...motivation enough. 

Not wanting to be too negative, we did add a section onto the agreement of things that we could, and should, partake in.  Alicia, the maker of this agreement, and googler of the detox plan, has entitled this the "Life Enhancement Section."  As suggested in this portion, we are to:

exercise for an additional 45 minutes a day
meditate for 10 minutes
think positive thoughts

Today is day two.  There are 19 more days.  Currently, I miss showers the most.  Food is a close second.

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